Wednesday, November 18, 2015

YouTube hid my comment to T.J.

Here is what I tried to post. I just tweeted it and am including it here: +The Amazing Atheist Yes of course it is manipulation of the media and it is clear that it is why the policy was put into place, because some people resented some content creators making money while discussing certain topics and I think it was expanded in order to do do EXACTLY as you describe "discouraging content creators from talking about certain issues"

I hope you see my other comment I just posted: +The Amazing Atheist Yes of course it is manipulation of the media and it is clear that it is why the policy was put into place, because some people resented some content creators making money while discussing certain topics and I think it was expanded in order to do do EXACTLY as you describe "discouraging content creators from talking about certain issues"

I hope you see my other comment I just posted: This is what people have been talking about. It is YouTube policy to not allow you to monetize it because of the topic.
 Please help by sharing the link to this petition with your fans because I think everyone will see that we are all in the same boat with this policy change:
I think many will see the need for solidarity and want to share this petition. We really need to work together to get YouTube to reverse this destructive policy change because it could even get worse. What is being aggressively imposed now is just one of the 5 main things YouTube lists as "Content that YouTube considers to be inappropriate for advertising" but look at the third one listed at their policy page: "Inappropriate language , including harassment, profanity and vulgar language" and think about how many times you use the "F" word in your videos. We need to get back to the original policy fast before it gets even worse and as far as independent journalism it already is extremely bad.

This is the wording from YouTube's policy page as it stands now where it mentions war and political conflicts: “Content that YouTube considers to be inappropriate for advertising includes but is not limited to: … Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown.” source:
 (and as I point out, that is just part of what they list as things supposedly "inappropriate for advertising";) So please mention this petition in your next video and ask your viewers to sign it and share it with others because YOU and I and EVERY OTHER content creator should not be financially hindered because of topics we discuss if we abide by what was the original YouTube policy as abiding by Terms of Use.

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